

We have a lot of different ways for you to volunteer and serve at Waypoint!

Here are some of the numerous outreach and ministry opportunities that we have.

(All Children's Ministry volunteers must fill out a background check, and be a member of the church)
Kid's Easter Celebration
Easter Brunch
Annual Family Picnic with the Pastor
Annual Mission's Auction
Vacation Bible School
Back to School Celebration
Fall Festival
Christmas Banquet
Women's Christmas Tea
Christmas Candlelight Service
...and other opportunities to serve that pop up throughout the year!

Why Volunteer?

Other volunteer opportunities are available through other non-profit organizations and ministries outside of the church that we partner with such as A Way Out Ministries, Spreading Sunshine, Catalyst Missions, Faith Ministries, and Life Choices.

"For you were called to freedom, brethren; only do not turn your freedom into an opportunity for the flesh, but through love serve one another." - Galatians 5:13

  • Spiritual Growth: Volunteering in a church setting provides opportunities for individuals to deepen their faith and spiritual connection. Engaging in service within a faith community can lead to personal growth, a stronger sense of purpose, and a deeper understanding of one's beliefs.

  • Strengthening Community Bonds: Volunteering within a church fosters a sense of belonging and strengthens relationships with fellow church members. Working together towards shared goals builds camaraderie and deepens connections within the faith community.

  • Living Out Faith Values: Volunteering allows individuals to put their faith into action by serving others in practical ways. It provides an avenue for demonstrating compassion, love, and service, embodying the teachings and values of the church.

  • Supporting the Mission of the Church: Volunteering plays a vital role in advancing the mission and ministry of the church. Whether through serving in worship, outreach programs, or administrative tasks, volunteers contribute to the overall mission of spreading the message of love, hope, and redemption.

  • Creating a Welcoming Environment: Volunteers play a crucial role in creating a welcoming and inclusive environment within the church. By offering hospitality, greeting newcomers, and participating in outreach efforts, volunteers help newcomers feel valued and connected to the faith community.

  • Passing on Faith Traditions: Volunteering in church activities allows individuals to pass on faith traditions and values to future generations. Through involvement in children's ministries, youth groups, and intergenerational activities, volunteers contribute to the spiritual growth and development of younger members.

  • Honoring God: Ultimately, volunteering in a church setting is a form of worship and obedience to God. By serving others and using their gifts for the greater good, volunteers honor God and live out their calling to love and serve both God and neighbor.

We have a lot of different ways for you to volunteer and serve at Waypoint!

Here are some of the numerous outreach and ministry opportunities that we have.

(All Children's Ministry volunteers must fill out a
background check, and be a member of the church)
Kid's Easter Celebration
Easter Brunch
Annual Family Picnic with the Pastor
Annual Mission's Auction
Vacation Bible School
Back to School Celebration
Fall Festival
Christmas Banquet
Women's Christmas Tea
Christmas Candlelight Service
...and other opportunities to serve that pop up throughout the year!

Why Volunteer?

Other volunteer opportunities are available through other non-profit organizations and ministries outside of the church that we partner with such as A Way Out Ministries, Spreading Sunshine, Catalyst Missions, Faith Ministries, and Life Choices.

"For you were called to freedom, brethren; only do not turn your freedom into an opportunity for the flesh, but through love serve one another." - Galatians 5:13

  • Spiritual Growth: Volunteering in a church setting provides opportunities for individuals to deepen their faith and spiritual connection. Engaging in service within a faith community can lead to personal growth, a stronger sense of purpose, and a deeper understanding of one's beliefs.

  • Strengthening Community Bonds: Volunteering within a church fosters a sense of belonging and strengthens relationships with fellow church members. Working together towards shared goals builds camaraderie and deepens connections within the faith community.

  • Living Out Faith Values: Volunteering allows individuals to put their faith into action by serving others in practical ways. It provides an avenue for demonstrating compassion, love, and service, embodying the teachings and values of the church.

  • Supporting the Mission of the Church: Volunteering plays a vital role in advancing the mission and ministry of the church. Whether through serving in worship, outreach programs, or administrative tasks, volunteers contribute to the overall mission of spreading the message of love, hope, and redemption.

  • Creating a Welcoming Environment: Volunteers play a crucial role in creating a welcoming and inclusive environment within the church. By offering hospitality, greeting newcomers, and participating in outreach efforts, volunteers help newcomers feel valued and connected to the faith community.

  • Passing on Faith Traditions: Volunteering in church activities allows individuals to pass on faith traditions and values to future generations. Through involvement in children's ministries, youth groups, and intergenerational activities, volunteers contribute to the spiritual growth and development of younger members.

  • Honoring God: Ultimately, volunteering in a church setting is a form of worship and obedience to God. By serving others and using their gifts for the greater good, volunteers honor God and live out their calling to love and serve both God and neighbor.