Bo Grace

Senior Pastor

At the age of 30, Bo Grace transitioned from a successful business owner to answering a vocational ministry calling. Closing his business, Bo, alongside his wife and two children, relocated from Jackson, TN to New Orleans, LA. There, he pursued theological education at New Orleans Baptist Theological Seminary, earning his Master of Divinity degree. During his time in New Orleans, Bo served as the Minister of Evangelism at First Baptist Church of New Orleans.
Following this, Bo served at Harrisburg Baptist Church in Tupelo MS, and then Emmanuel Baptist Church in Athens, AL before accepting the position of Pastor at Waypoint Baptist Church (formerly Broadmoor Baptist Church) in 2004.
Bo's commitment to preaching and teaching the entirety of Scripture, regardless of cultural trends, reflects his unapologetically conservative theological stance. With a deep-rooted passion for evangelism, Bo wholeheartedly embraces pastoral ministry and demonstrates genuine love for the Waypoint family.
One of his favorite Bible verses is Romans 8:1 "Therefore there is now no condemnation at all for those who are in Christ Jesus."

Conley Herndon

Worship Leader
Conley Herndon has been the Worship Leader of Waypoint Baptist Church since 2022.  Before that, he served in the worship band for several years, originally as a guitar player, and then as a drummer.  
Conley has a yearning to see many souls come to Jesus and has a passion for leading his brothers and sisters in Christ through Spirit-filled worship to our precious Lord and Savior.
Conley and his wife, Megan, live in Oakland with their two children.

Andrew Chastain

Multimedia Director
Andrew Chastain has been the Multimedia Director of Waypoint Baptist Church since 2012.  He is responsible for all audio, video, and web applications of the church and works close with Conley and the Worship Team to provide a comfortable and enjoyable atmosphere of worship.
When asked about his favorite parts of his ministry, Andrew responded, "I love finding new tools and technologies that work together to expand our message and the Kingdom. "
Andrew lives in Cordova with his wife, Anna, and their three children.

Tommy James

Youth Leader
Tommy James has been a member at Waypoint Baptist Church for his entire life.  Since 2021, he has served as the Youth Director, along with his wife, Haley.  Tommy enjoys connecting with the youth and seeing them grow their faith and trust in the Lord.  
Tommy's favorite Bible verse is John 16:33, in which Jesus states, "I have told you these things, so that in me, you may have peace.  In this world you will have trouble.  But take heart!  I have overcome the world."
Tommy and Haley live in Bartlett with their son, Will.  

Kristin Cupples

Children's Ministry Director
Kristin Cupples has been dedicated to the Waypoint Children’s Ministry since 2010, and she stepped into the position of Children’s Director at the end of 2018. She oversees children's programs that encourage our kids to dig deep into the Bible, recruits dedicated volunteers, and creates a safe environment for kids to grow spiritually.
Kristin enjoys every aspect of her ministry but says, "nothing compares to the joy of receiving hugs from our little ones".
Her favorite verse is Philippians 1:6 which says "And I am sure of this, that he who began a good work in you will bring it to completion at the day of Jesus Christ."
Kristin lives in Arlington with her husband, Drew, and three beautiful daughters.